When it comes to living a healthier life, where do you turn for guidance?
Most of us have been taught to look to the media and food industry. But we also know that these industries prioritize profit over health.
Much of our existing nutritional knowledge has been marketed to us, and we seldom question its integrity.
We hand over our wellness.
But what if there is a different approach to health that is rooted in self-trust and common sense?
Once upon a time, I was having lunch with one of my coworkers who was experimenting with the Atkins Diet. The Atkins Diet was introduced in the 1990s, when carbohydrates fell under scrutiny for contributing to the obesity epidemic.
As I opened the container of watermelon that I had packed, I saw my coworker assessing my next course. She commented, “You know, watermelon has a very high glycemic index. It really isn’t good for you with all of that sugar.”
Watermelon was (literally) a forbidden fruit for her.
At that moment, I thought “Watermelon isn’t the problem”.
Yet, to my coworker (and many others at the time), fruits and vegetables within a certain natural sugar range were deemed to be health-depleting. Thus, they were restricted. Instead, Atkins followers were encouraged to consume protein-heavy meals.
Until the Atkins Diet was linked to a higher risk of heart disease.
While the Atkins diet may have helped followers eliminate sugary foods and refined carbohydrates, it was so extreme that it led to nutritional deficiencies, and illness.
Carbohydrates are scientifically understood to help the body absorb protein, and the type of carbohydrates being consumed matters. Balanced portions of complex carbohydrates deliver essential nutrients for good health.
This is where most fad diets have it wrong. The dietary rules are so restrictive that we lose sight of what our bodies need for proper, balanced nutrition. We inadvertently omit many nutrient-rich foods like fruits, starchy vegetables, and whole grains.
We eliminate entire nutrient-dense food groups in the pursuit of a smaller waistline.
Of course, I understand that watermelon contains natural sugars, so portion control is wise (as it is for any food). But watermelon also contains fiber and vitamins (and water!) that are beneficial.
When we’re looking to limit excess dietary sugars and other carbohydrates, fruit is seldom the problem.
Instead, it is wise for us to zoom out and look at our diet as a whole.
When we eat for nourishment, we naturally rely less on packaged, processed foods, because they are of little nutritional value.
Eating for nourishment means incorporating more plant-based and whole foods into our meals, prepared from home.
We pay closer attention to how our individual bodies are responding to our diets.
Most importantly, we examine every aspect of our health, instead of focusing on diet alone.
How does this sound to you? Can you imagine trusting yourself and your body in this way?
Your wellness potential lies in your ability to be the investigator of your life.
Your choices may look different than everyone around you. That’s okay.
You get to trust your instincts, nourishing yourself in a way that feels right rather than restrictive.
P.S.—Have you been relying on rules for eating? In my 1:1 wellness coaching program, I teach an intuitive, back to basics way of eating for nourishment.
Interested in learning more? Book a call here